DELETE, UNDO, REDO - MS Word 2010 Tutorial

This Microsoft Word 2010 tutorial will show you how to:
  1. Delete and insert text in MS Word documents
  2. Undo and Redo an action in MS Word

Task-1: Deleting & Inserting

Go to About Tutorials page and download the MS Word 2010 practice document “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”. In this document, delete the text “get up and pick” in the fifth line of the first paragraph and insert the text “walk out and pluck”.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To delete text, you can use one of the following three methods.

Method-1: Using Delete key
  1. Place the cursor to the immediate left of the word “get” in the fifth line of first paragraph and press Delete key on the keyboard. With each key press, the letter to the right of the cursor will be deleted.
  2. Repeat until all letters up to the last letter of “pick” have been deleted, then type “walk out and pluck”.

Method-2: Using Backspace key
  1. Place the cursor to the immediate right of the last letter of ‘pick’ and press Backspace key. With each key press, the letter immediately left of the cursor will be deleted.
  2. Repeat until all letters up to the first letter of “get” have been deleted, then type “walk out and pluck”.

Method-3: Select & Overwrite
  1. Select the text “get up and pick” and type “walk out and pluck”. This overwrites “get up and pick” with ‘“walk out and pluck”. Cool shortcut, isn’t it? Remember that in MS Word, typing after selecting text results in deletion of selected text and the typed text appears in its place.

Task-2: Undo

If you have made any changes to the text in your MS Word document and then change your mind, you can restore your text to the original state by using the Undo feature of MS Word, which reverses the last command or typing or deletion.

To understand the Undo command of MS Word, use it to undo the insertion of text ‘walk out and pluck’ and restore the deleted text “get up and pick”.

Step-by-Step Instructions
  1. To undo the changes made, just click the ‘Undo’ button on the Quick Access Toolbar. The inserted text will disappear and the deleted text “get up and pick” will be restored.
If you have made a series of editing changes, MS Word allows you to undo them by clicking the Undo button repeatedly.
If you click the down pointing arrow by the side of the Undo button, a drop down list opens showing the changes made to the document since it was opened. If you click an action in the list, that action along with all actions listed above it will be undone.

Task-3: Redo

In the MS Word document “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”, you had deleted the phrase “get up and pick” and inserted the phrase “walk out and pluck” and later undid these changes by clicking the Undo button. However, now you are required to retain the changes made. Do this using the Redo feature of Word.

Step-by-Step Instructions
  1. Click the ‘Redo’ button on the Quick Access Toolbar. The original phrase will disappear and “walk out and pluck” will reappear.


  • Text in MS Word documents can be deleted using Delete and Backspace keys.
  • To replace existing text in MS Word document with other text, select the text to be removed and type the new text.
  • You can undo the last MS Word command or typing or deletion by clicking the ‘Undo button’ on Quick Access Toolbar.
  • You can repeat the last MS Word Command or typing by clicking the ‘Redo button’ on Quick Access Toolbar.
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